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“Lists four links to the presentations which are posted
on YouTube, filmed by Ruth Borgelt,
videographer. Presentations include the
keynote address of Dr. Gordon Edwards
of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility; a critical new book on
the human health and environmental
impacts of Chernobyl by Lynn Ehrle of the International Science Oversight Board of the Organic Consumers
Association; Michael J. Keegan of the
Coalition for a Nuclear Free Great Lakes speaking on dangers of nuclear energy power and the opposition to the license renewal
for the Fermi 2 plant in Monroe, MI, as well
as opposition to a Fermi 3 plant;
and Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear, speaking on
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is on the shores of Lake Erie in Northern Ohio.”
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Alliance for Nuclear Accountability
American Nuclear Society
Beyond Nuclear
Canadian Coalition for
Nuclear Responsibility
Center for Health,
Environment and Justice
Center for Molecular Imaging
Innovation and Translation (SNMIIT)
Citizens for Alternatives to
Chemical Contamination
Earth Island Institute
Environmental and Energy
Study Institute (EESI)
Frank Mugger’s Atomic City
How Nuclear Power Works
Institute for Energy and
Environmental Research
International Atomic Energy
Michigan Sierra Club
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Energy Student Zone
Nuclear Information and
Resource Service
Office of Civilian
Radioactive Waste Management
Peace Action of Michigan
Public Citizen’s Energy
The Radiation and Public
Health Project (RPHP)
Radiated Veterans of America
Sierra Club
Society of Nuclear Medicine
and Molecular Imaging (SNMI)
Union of Concerned Scientists
United States Nuclear
Regulatory Commission
United States Nuclear
Regulatory Commission Students’ Corner
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